historic preservation design and planning
While most of the historic preservation projects taken on by Cee Jay Frederick Associates have been concerned with detailed architectural and site design, the firm has also completed a number of relatively large-scale planning efforts. The planning efforts include the drafting of Municipal Act 167 Historic District Zoning Ordinances, the nomination of two National Register Historic Districts, and the preparation of the “Resource Protection Plan” to address all of the known historic and archaeological sites in the Pennsylvania Coastal Zone. A planning effort was also undertaken relative to a visual quality protection analysis and the drafting of zoning ordinance texts and the development of standards/design guidelines for two municipalities immediately adjacent to the Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) National Military Park. At a more site- specific level, historic restoration was set forth in the Master (Preservation) Plan for Marshall Square Park in the Borough of West Chester and numerous historic town and farm buildings (occasionally National Register of Historic Places sites and structures), some of which involved adaptive reuse and rehabilitation.
Wisner-Rapp House
Green Valley Condominium

DNB First Bank
Northbrook Orchards

Kirkbride-Palmer House

Sharples Farmstead
King's Grant
East Brandywine Residence

22 Dean Street
Reading Pagoda

Historic Resources Protection Planning